
Users love KeyScrambler!

"I really really like KeyScrambler! It's such a nice feeling knowing that KeyScrambler Premium is on guard from the time I boot up until I shut down. It's also fun watching the scrambling that's going on! BTW, I really DO have a life . . . seriously I do . . . it's just that it's fun glancing at the green bar once in a while, and seeing the various characters that show up!"

~ Sandy S.

"I use your product on my Windows computer and have loved it for years. Have installed it on a lot of my friends' computers too. Thank you for a great product."

~ Clem P. from Australia

"My wife and I both have your KeyScrambler Premium on our computers and I'm about to purchase a KeyScrambler Premium license for my father-in-law as a Christmas present. This is a fantastic program!"

~ Ron P.

Compare Editions

Compares apps supported by Personal, Pro, and Premium.

Business Benefits

Explains KeyScrambler Premium's benefits for businesses.


Gives answers and trouble-shooting tips about KeyScrambler.


Helpful information on how to use KeyScrambler effectively.